Monday, March 22, 2010


July 24, 2009
Lois Faye Buck lived a life most people could or most would not live. Diagnosed with Gastro paresis nearly thirty years ago Lois has had to endure hundreds of hospital stays, thousands of needles and blood tests, and countless procedures where a tube with a “balloon” on the end of it was shoved down her throat to open up her esophagus. Due to the Gastro paresis, every three months for as long as I can remember, Lois would have to go and have her stomach pumped, her stomach would build up unprocessed food particles and begin to rot and decay causing her belly to swell and slowly poison her.

Gastro paresis was not Lois’ only illness, Lois had also had kidney problems from the time she was a kid. Because of all the IV’s she had to have over the many years her veins were failing one by one. Which caused her to have a permanent Iv put in to her chest. But despite all of this she never gave up hope as she fought through the pain. Infact it took leukemia and the inability treat her other illness due to the leukemia to taker her from this earth.

Lois was a believer, a Christian that embraced God in every waking moment.The type of Christian that this world could use more of. Through Lois God spoke to many people, he touched many lives “mine included”. Lois’ faith is Christ shown through her every waking moment, she gave everything she could to her church, to her family, to her friends, to her doctors, and even to other patients at the hospital. No matter how sick or how much pain she was enduring, Lois always had a smile about her, a positive glow. When people met her they always commented about her positive attitude. Lois prayed for many years that the lord would heal her to make her pains go away, and for many years she woke up day after day still sick, still in pain and still loving Jesus Christ with all of her heart.

Now most people would ask why would the lord put some one who loves Him so much and dedicated so much of their life to him through such pain and suffering. My thought and answer to this is because he knew her, He knew she could handle his will. He filled Lois not with healing for her self but for the people around her. Through her he brought comfort to others with the same illness. He was able to show love and affection to people who were scared, who were hurting and who were lost. The family was told of how she could calm down her doctors who were nervous….even thought she was the one being operated on. We were told of how she would sit and talk to other patients at the hospitals, and how doctors would put her in rooms with others who were having an exceptionally hard time. Why her? Because the lord knew she could do it. He had her place in heaven already picked out, but he needed her to do his will for a short time here on earth. I’m now a Christ follower mainly impart of my aunt Lois, which is something I know she prayed for often. “I know this because she told me often!” When I was baptized she was the first person I called and I cant explain how happy she was.

On June 28, 2009 The Leukemia finally took its toll. The leukemia made it impossible for Lois to get her stomach pumped of the infection that was building up which poisoned her body. June 28,2009 at 9:45 am “Which, by no surprise to me whatsoever, is what time she would usually leave for Sunday church services” Lois was healed from the pains and sickness that this world brings. The moment she had been looking forward to for her entire life was granted to her. She finally got to go home and walk with the lord.

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